Corinna Button
Over My Head
Oil & mixed media on canvas
39 3/8 x 31 7/8 in
100 x 81 cm
100 x 81 cm
£ 3,100.00
Ideas develop from conversations, observing body language and how people interact and influence each other I like to suggest narratives or a drama just beginning to unfold so revealing the...
Ideas develop from conversations, observing body language and how people interact and influence each other I like to suggest narratives or a drama just beginning to unfold so revealing the unseen.
The following words from the poem ‘Pro Femina ‘by Caroline Kizer resonate and inspired this and many of my recent works. 'Our masks always in peril of smearing or cracking, in need of continuous check in the mirror or silverware keep us thrall to ourselves, concerned with our surfaces’
The following words from the poem ‘Pro Femina ‘by Caroline Kizer resonate and inspired this and many of my recent works. 'Our masks always in peril of smearing or cracking, in need of continuous check in the mirror or silverware keep us thrall to ourselves, concerned with our surfaces’