Corinna Button
Caprice, 2022
Hand painted collagraph
Signed & Dated
Signed & Dated
97 x 70 x 3 cm
38 1/4 x 27 1/2 x 1 1/8 in
38 1/4 x 27 1/2 x 1 1/8 in
£ 1,700.00
This is a hand painted collagraph. A collagraph is a printmaking process in which various materials are applied to a ‘plate’ - a rigid surface such as (in this case)...
This is a hand painted collagraph. A collagraph is a printmaking process in which various materials are applied to a ‘plate’ - a rigid surface such as (in this case) a gesso panel. Corinna paints directly on to her print plates with carborundum grits, she scores and gouges out areas then sands back; Corinna then applies varnish, enamel paint, textured pastes and collage; it is a prolonged process of concealment and discovery. The plate was hand inked and painted before printing onto paper through a heavy press.
Inspired by the celebrity world, costume drama, a touch of Alexander McQueen and the words of the American Poet - Carolyn Kizer. Images from fashion magazines combined with studies of ancient statues displayed in museums have been a great source of reference material for this work. (below) Her costume decorates, conceals, disguises and protects her – like a mask. "Our masks, always in peril of smearing or cracking, In need of continuous check in the mirror or silverware, keep us thrall to ourselves, concerned with our surfaces"- Carolyn Kizer.
Inspired by the celebrity world, costume drama, a touch of Alexander McQueen and the words of the American Poet - Carolyn Kizer. Images from fashion magazines combined with studies of ancient statues displayed in museums have been a great source of reference material for this work. (below) Her costume decorates, conceals, disguises and protects her – like a mask. "Our masks, always in peril of smearing or cracking, In need of continuous check in the mirror or silverware, keep us thrall to ourselves, concerned with our surfaces"- Carolyn Kizer.