Peter Blake returns to his Wooden Puzzle Series to experiment with the wonders of three-dimensional printing. This technology enables the objects featured in the silkscreen collage compositions to be represented...
Peter Blake returns to his Wooden Puzzle Series to experiment with the wonders of three-dimensional printing. This technology enables the objects featured in the silkscreen collage compositions to be represented in three dimensions, creating an editioned collage that gives the impression of real found objects. The prints are mounted on wood reinforcing the concept of a cabinet full of treasured and curious objects and images, as well as echoing the title of the series and supporting the weight of the 3d printed objects. The use of found objects is a key Pop art tenet and has been central motif in Blake’s art since the early 1960s. The chosen objects are scanned and printed in layers pigment-tinted powder that solidifies once the printing is complete.
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