Dark Clouds LAX , 2022
Digital print, hand finished with acrylic and embellished with gold leaf and diamond dust
Large: 100 x 100 cm - £ 2,000
Large: 100 x 100 cm - £ 2,000
Medium: 75 x 75 cm - £ 1,600
Both sizes are editions of 10
Dark Clouds LAX Large Image size: 87 x 87cm Paper size: 100 x 100 cm Medium Image size: 65 x 65 cm Paper size: 75 x 75 cm Dark Clouds...
Dark Clouds LAX
Image size: 87 x 87cm
Paper size: 100 x 100 cm
Image size: 65 x 65 cm
Paper size: 75 x 75 cm
Dark Clouds LAX' is a limited edition digital print, produced exclusively at Printspace in Shoreditch, East London. Printed on German etching paper, it is hand finished with gold leaf, diamond dust and acrylic paint. It is inspired by the statue of the Goddess Iris in the British Museum. She is the Goddess of the rainbow and reflects the vibrant multicultural city of London, a city of tolerance and diversity, a modern Babylon. The marks across the image are directly from photographs of the damaged outside walls of the V&A museum in London when it was bombed in the second world war. A dark time for London, but the city came through it stronger and more together. It seems right for these times.
Image size: 87 x 87cm
Paper size: 100 x 100 cm
Image size: 65 x 65 cm
Paper size: 75 x 75 cm
Dark Clouds LAX' is a limited edition digital print, produced exclusively at Printspace in Shoreditch, East London. Printed on German etching paper, it is hand finished with gold leaf, diamond dust and acrylic paint. It is inspired by the statue of the Goddess Iris in the British Museum. She is the Goddess of the rainbow and reflects the vibrant multicultural city of London, a city of tolerance and diversity, a modern Babylon. The marks across the image are directly from photographs of the damaged outside walls of the V&A museum in London when it was bombed in the second world war. A dark time for London, but the city came through it stronger and more together. It seems right for these times.
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